
Registration is now closed. If you have any questions, please contact Betsy Kerrigan and Nomi Small.

Individual Rates

  Early Bird Regular Registration
Regular Registration $499  $615 
Government Registration  N/A  $495 
Government One-Day Registration  N/A  $275 
Student Registration  N/A  $315 
One-Day Registration  N/A  $350 
Reception N/A  $100 

Group Rates

  Early Bird Regular Registration
4 to 9 attendees $475 $575
10 or more $449 $555

“The National Anti-Hunger Policy Conference has been a great opportunity to deepen my knowledge in current food policy issues and best practices in communications strategy for anti-hunger policy. Each year our organization benefits from the excellent resources provided to enrich our work with lawmakers and constituents in advocating for a society that places elimination of hunger at the very top of the list. The skills we have learned have helped us form solid communications plans revolving around supplemental nutrition programs and build relationships with lawmakers and constituents alike. I highly recommend program and communications directors as well as staff attend the National Anti-Hunger Policy Conference. Together we can eliminate hunger in the United States.”
Benjamin Russell, Communications Director, Public Policy Center of Mississippi